Compravenda de llicències
Purchase of license 18.12.24 | Ashir
- Type:
- Purchase of license
- Name:
- Ashir
- Text:
- Purchase of license without car. Day off: dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous. Senar.
- Phone:
- 612531145
- Email:
Purchase of license 13.12.24 | David
- Type:
- Purchase of license
- Name:
- David
- Text:
- Purchase of license without car. Day off: dilluns, dimarts, dimecres.
- Phone:
- 672441551 / 672441551
- Email:
Purchase of license 09.12.24 | Hassan
- Type:
- Purchase of license
- Name:
- Hassan
- Text:
- Purchase of license without car. Day off: dimarts, dimecres, dijous.
- Phone:
- 654838607 / 654838607
- Email:
Purchase of license 09.12.24 | Hicham
- Type:
- Purchase of license
- Name:
- Hicham
- Text:
- Purchase of license without car. Day off: dilluns. Senar.
- Phone:
- 631306913 / 631306913
- Email:
Purchase of license 29.11.24 | David
- Type:
- Purchase of license
- Name:
- David
- Text:
- Purchase of license with car Indiferente. Day off: dilluns, divendres.
- Phone:
- 606730697
- Email:
Purchase of license 27.11.24 | Furqan Farooq
- Type:
- Purchase of license
- Name:
- Furqan Farooq
- Text:
- Purchase of license with car. Day off: dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous.
- Phone:
- 631077478
- Email:
Purchase of license 26.11.24 | Sergio
- Type:
- Purchase of license
- Name:
- Sergio
- Text:
- Purchase of license without car. Day off: dilluns, divendres. Parell.
- Phone:
- 646204911
- Email: